Insights From The Best: Live Series Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion does not just include differences in gender. It encompasses much more than that.

Diversity in the workplace involves hiring employees from underrepresented groups- people with disabilities, the indigenous community, ethnic minorities, people from the LGBTQ+ and Indigenous community, in addition to people with neurodivergent features. Inclusion in the workplace is ensuring that after hiring these underrepresented groups, they feel like they can comfortably and confidently bring their true self to work each day.

It is crucial for workplaces to not only increase the number of people from underrepresented groups that they employ, but to ensure that these employees truly feel they belong. A selection of the 2021 Best Places to Work joined a panel to discuss how they promote diversity and inclusion internally, and how they involve their employees and managers to keep these programs alive.


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Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging from a candidate perspective.


2021 Best Places to Work Insights Report